phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog

phpMyAdmin - ChangeLog

$Id: ChangeLog 10967 2007-12-08 12:46:36Z lem9 $
$HeadURL: $ (2007-12-08)
- patch #1818389 to remove a notice (failed to flush buffer), thanks to
- patch #1821154, HTTP authentication: fix auth working with php/mod_fastcgi,
  thanks to yarodin
- wrong default charset in case of broken session
- bug #1824506 [profiling] Profile command repeated on older MySQL servers
- bug #1825172 [export] Exporting and functions
- bug #1817224 [import] Incorrect detection of file_uploads in some cases,
  thanks to Juergen Wind
- bug #1777249 [display] Do not underline links in left panel (in default
- bug #1826022 [privileges] unable to add user (MySQL 3.23) since PMA 2.11.2
- bug #1823045 [import] Error importing file with lowercase "delimiter"
- bug #1828913 [structure] Can't set FULLTEXT index on CHAR column
- bug #1804081 [export] export on server doesn't obey AllowAnyWhereRecoding 
- bug #1789988 [display] space before SHOW COLUMNS 
- bug #1831646 [table creation] Error in CREATE TABLE with multiple primary
- [display] Division by zero when showing all records (page selector)
- bug #1828265 [privileges] No weird characters in generated password 
- bug #1759194 [import] open_basedir warning
- bug #1793948 [parser] ROW_FORMAT incorrectly parsed
- undefined PMA_MYSQL_INT_VERSION when no default server is set 
- bug #1763343 [session] Behavior with session.auto_start enabled 
+ [lang] Hungarian update, thanks to Mihály Mészáros 
+ [lang] German update, thanks to Jürgen Wind - windkiel
- patch #1837691 [query window] js errors, thanks to Victor Volkov 
- patch #1839052 [lang] catalan not in UTF-8, thanks to jaz001 
- patch #1838626 [GUI] Login interface broken on Konqueror, thanks to fhimpe (2007-11-20)
- bug #1835123 [security] fixed XSS vulnerability on login page, 
  thanks to Tim Brown (Nth Dimension) for the advisory 
  and to Sebastian for the fix (2007-11-11)
- fixed possible SQL injection using database name
- fixed possible XSS in database name - thanks to Omer Singer, The DigiTrust Group (2007-10-27)
- patch #1791576 HTTP auth: support REDIRECT_REMOTE_USER, thanks to Allard
+ [lang] Serbian update, thanks to Mihailo Stefanovic 
- bug #1798841 [relations] Copying db does not copy internal relations 
- bug #1798646 [display] Character '+' in query wrongly interpreted 
- bug #1801919 [themes] Do not use NaviDatabaseNameColor for fieldset legend 
- bug #1764735 [core] Designer: PDF error when deleting a table
- bug #1764195 [views] DROP button does not work on defective views 
- bug #1805773 [relations] browse foreign values: return values not escaped,
  thanks to Alex Rambau
- bug #1807923 [login] Login with html entities in password fails
- [core] Undefined variable when creating a table that exists
- patch #1808578 Changes in font size were no longer detected after patch
+ [lang] Croatian update, thanks to Renato Pavicic
- patch #1807615 [GUI] Display patch for column rights in Opera
- bug #1811519 Can't delete user with a german umlaut.
- bug #1811519 [privileges] fixed used collation for accessing mysql.user in server privileges
- it should not be possible to move or copy a table to information_schema
- bug #1814733 win: copy db to mixed name db fails
- bug #1777249 [display] Remove horizontal lines in navigation panel 
- bug #1805102 [display] TextareaAutoSelect issues: set this parameter
  default value to false to help cut&paste from a terminal window; also
  set focus to the textarea
- bug #1814463 [display] Wrong database size
- bug #1811527 [display] Problem with links to the MySQL manual
- patch #1817529 [auth] Incorrect login via URL when AllowArbitraryServer
  is true, thanks to Juergen Wind (2007-10-17)
- fixed XSS in server_status.php, thanks to Omer Singer, The DigiTrust Group
- fixed some possible XSS with PHP_SELF, PATH_INFO, REQUEST_URI
  (reference: CVE-2007-5589) (2007-10-15)
- bug #1810629 [setup] XSS in setup.php, thanks to Omer Singer, The DigiTrust Group (2007-09-20)

- bug #1783667 [export] NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO and MySQL version 
- bug #1780098 [GUI] Logout causes CSS loss, thanks to Juergen Wind
. incorrect field ids, thanks to Michael Keck
- bug #1787522 [view] wrong choice in algorithm drop-down
- bug #1777620 [GUI] Table Print preview: missing column header,
  thanks to Mario Rohkrämer
- Do not display "Your MySQL library..." if only the Z part of X.Y.Z version
  is different
- bugs #1767759, 1216521 [data] Duplicate entry error Browse feature: this minor
  feature removed due to its complexity
- bug #1774825 [operations] Rename database loses charset info
- bug #1791568 [core] Undefined cfg, thanks to Christian Schmidt
- bug #1782332 [structure] New table form does not overtake data 
- bug #1793763 [requirements] minimum PHP should be 4.2.0 
- patch #1787915 Avoid CSS reloading on every click, thanks to Juergen Wind
- bug #1798627 [GUI] Wrong storage engine displayed (2007-08-21)

+ [import] support handling of DELIMITER to mimic mysql CLI, thanks to fb1
+ improved PHP 6 compatibility
- bug #1674914 [structure] changing definition of a TIMESTAMP field
- bug #1615530 [upload] added more specific error message if field upload fails
- bug #1627210, #1083301, #1482401 [data] warning on duplicate indexes
- bug #1668724 JavaScript focus login Opera
- bug #1666657 [auth] Cookie password delete on timeout / inactivity
- bug #1648802 different mysql library and server version
- bug #1662976 [auth] Authentication fails when controluser/pass is set
- bug #1643758 [import] Error #1264 importing NULL values in MySQL 5.0
- bug #1523747 [innodb] make warning about row count more visible
- bug #1676012 [auth] strip non-US-ASCII characters (RFC2616)
- bug #1679440 Added FAQ entry about header errors under IIS caused by
  an end-of-line character
- [gui] avoid displaying a wide selector in server selection
- bug #1614004 [relation] foreign key spanning multiple columns are
  incorrectly displayed
- bug #1681598 [interface] Edit next row
- bug #1688053 [export] Wrong export of binary character fields
- bug #1498281 [parser] Wrong primary key used for displaying results
  with subquery
- bug #1699772 Visual space bug in table name (in browser)
- bug #1699532 Cause of data manipulation issues: implemented changes
  as suggested by crisp_; still have to work on updating an ENUM value
+ [core] added PMA_fatalError() and made use of it
. [core] added PMA_isValid() and PMA_ifSetOr() for variable handling
. [i18n] use generic $strOptions
. [core] get rid of $propicon
. [core] globalized variables to be includable inside function in
+ [doc] changed all documentation in to phpDocumentor style
+ [data] support for CREATE VIEW from query results
+ [gui] dropped css/ folder and moved into root of PMA
+ [l10n] new: Sinhala, Macedonian
+ [export] YAML export (see, thanks to Bryce Thornton
+ [upload] moved file upload functionality into own class
+ [upload] make use of $cfg['TempDir'] for file uploads
+ [server] improved display of binary logs
+ [data] better error handling in tbl_create.php
+ [routines] from Patch #1649881, thanks to Mike Beck
+ [querywindow] store sql history in session
+ [querywindow] sql history now without db too
+ [querywindow] tweaks in sql history view
+ [export] Native Excel (Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer) improvements,
   thanks to Christian Schmidt
+ [doc] requirement of mcrypt on 64-bit, thanks to Isaac Bennetch
+ [lang] Danish update, thanks to Finn Sorensen
+ RFE #1435922 [gui] navigation frame shows listing of databases when none selected
+ [data] support BIT datatype (under mysqli), thanks to Christian Schmidt
+ [display] automatic confirmation for sort by key, thanks to Juergen Wind
+ [data] can now choose the number of insert rows
+ RFE #1704779 [gui] link documentation from login page
+ RFE #1513345 [setup] check control user connection during setup
+ [structure] TRIGGERS: display/edit/drop/SQL export
+ [browse] store browse state in session per query
+ [lang] Turkish update, thanks to Burak Yavuz
+ [lang] Galician update, thanks to Xosé Calvo
+ [lang] Brazilian-Portuguese update, thanks to Airon Luis Pereira
+ [gui] Insert/Edit: no longer display the Go button each 15 lines 
  but just at the end of a row
+ [gui] Query window: use verbose server name if any 
+ [auth] patch #1712514 specify host for single signon, thanks to Thierry
+ [gui] Navigator for the db list in the navigation panel 
+ [gui] Navigator for the table list in the content panel 
- bug #1727138 HTML not encoded (more than 1000 characters)
+ [display] Support for MySQL 5.0.37 profiling 
+ RFE #1743983 [gui] Replace $max_characters by a configurable param:
- bug #1746186 LeftLogoLink fails if set to some external site
. [transformations]: remove "auto-detect" MIME-type that was never implemented
+ [display] patch #1749705, Allow multibyte characters in number formatting,
  thanks to garas
- bug #1747215 Export emits blanks at line ends
- bug #1751172 Do not export data when exporting a single VIEW
+ [lang] Swedish update, thanks to Björn T. Hallberg 
+ [lang] Russian update, thanks to Victor Volkov and the users 
+ [privileges] Support password hashing on the Edit Privileges interface 
- bug #1755339 Warn about rename dataase actually being copy/delete
- bug #1746921 Left frame shrinks on db change, thanks to Juergen Wind
+ [gui] Export: Select All/Unselect All over the choices,
  thanks to Florian Schmitz
+ [lang] Japanese update, thanks to Ishigaki Kenichi 
- bug #1759528 browse_foreigners fails due to newlines,
  thanks to Hanno Boeck
+ [lang] Norwegian update, thanks to Sven-Erik Andersen 
+ [lang] Italian update, thanks to Luca Rebellato 
+ [lang] Spanish update, thanks to Daniel Hinostroza 
. [export] Do not obey $cfg['MaxTableList'] on database export
- [doc] UploadDir and the Import tab, thanks to Juergen Wind
- bug #1766975 Parameters lost when editing stored routine
- [export] patch #1766633 Incorrect export with specified MySQL port,
  thanks to Juergen Wind
+ [lang] Catalan update, thanks to Xavier Navarro 
- bug #1751553 Drop-down instead of input when editing
- [data] foreign key browser: encoding mixups, thanks to Thijs Kinkhorst
- bug #1771721 Old SVN URLs (2007-07-20)

- bug #1734285 Copy database with VIEWs
- bug #1722502 DROP TABLE in export VIEW
- bug #1729027 Sorting results of VIEW browsing
- bug #1733012 Unwanted table alias in delete button
- bug #1736405 Pretty printer and HTML line breaks
- bug #1745257 Invalid DB name is still displayed
- bug #1730367 Calendar "Go" has no effect
- bug #1748633 Incorrect parameter validation for VIEWs
+ [lang] Russian revision, thanks to Victor Volkov and the users of
- Do not try to delete an internal relation if we just deleted an InnoDB one (2007-06-15)

+ [data] display all warnings, not only last one
- typo in fix for bug #1671813
- bug #1714908 Inserted Row Count is wrong
- bug #1712570 Deleting last record freezes
- bug #1717339 Missing header when deleting a checked column,
  thanks to Michael Keck
- bug #1717477 Warning on Query page when db is empty
- bug #1721002 db rename -> undefined cfgRelation, thanks to Jürgen Wind
- bug #1721571 CREATE database privilege not always detected,
  thanks to Gordon McNaughton
- bug #1715709 export in SQL format always includes procedures and functions
- bug #1722502 DROP TABLE in export view structure
- bug #1718787 Multi-server setup breaks Designer
- bug #1724401 Column truncation in repair table output
- patch #1726500 Wrong position of , thanks to Jürgen Wind
- bug #1728590 Detected failing session_start fails, thanks to Jürgen Wind
- RFE #1714760 Obey ShowCreateDb on the Databases tab
- patch #1733762 Typo in message "INSERT DELAY", thanks to Victor Volkov
- patch #1730171 Dead message strLanguageFileNotFound, thanks to Victor Volkov
- patch #1731280 Avoid negative exponent in gmp_pow(), thanks to anosek (2007-04-23)

- bug #1541147 [js] '#' in database names not correctly handled by queywindow.js
- bug #1671403 [parser] using "client" as table name
- bug #1672379 [core] Call to undefined function PMA_removeCookie()
- bug [core] undefined variable in libraries/
- bug [gui] query window icon did not work, thanks to Jürgen Wind - windkiel
. [general] use PMA_getenv('PHP_SELF')
- bug #1676033 [core] pow(int,int) causes overflow
- bug #1680952 [core] undefined function PMA_getUvaCondition()
- bug #1596328 [export] drop support for POSTGRESQL compatibility mode
- bug #1609443 [privileges] Grant all priv. on wildcard name (fix message)
- bug #1567317 [sqp] Syntax highlighter: extra spaces
- bug #1239401 [sqp] table dot numeric field name
- bug #1672789 [sqp] Undefined offset: 4 in sqlparser.lib.php #1674
- bug #1682044 [export] Export file even if file not selected
- bug #1664212 querywindow loses url encoded characters
- replaced ctype_digit() with is_numeric()
+ [config] clean cookies on phpMyAdmin upgrade
- bug #1674972 [export] no export with %afm%
- bug #1667887 HTML maxlength
- bug #1679055 #1050 - Table '' already exists
- patch #1681620 [interface] support reordering of $cfg['ColumnTypes'],
  thanks to Leonard den Ottolander
- bug #1690718 Can't edit if BLOB and no PK
- bug #1672636 [export] PDF export too wide
+ [lang] brazilian-portuguese update, thanks to Airon Luis Pereira
- patch #1698964 javascript typo, thanks to Corey Hollaway
- bug #1703897 [css] undefined index 'js_frame'
- bug #1690561 Blobs being cleared on Edit of row
- bug #1679801 [core] XSS vulnerability in PMA_sanitize(), thanks to sp3x SecurityReason
- bug #1704467 XSS vulnerability in browse_foreigners.php, thanks to sp3x SecurityReason (2007-03-02)

+ bug #1671813 CVE-2006-1549 deep recursion crash (2007-03-01)

. [config] set $cfg['Servers'][$i]['ssl'] default value to false,
   we got reports from some users having problems with the default value of true (2007-02-28)

- bug #1659176 [general] memory error displaying a table with large BLOBs
- bug #1668662 [install] can create the new pma_designer_coords table
+ [gui] navi logo now links to main page by default, with still the possibility
  of having an external URL

2007-02-25 Marc Delisle  
    * libraries/common.lib.php: bug #1667466, undefined variable when
      export + save on server
    * server_status.php: bug #1665930, undefined PHP_SELF

2007-02-24 Marc Delisle  
    * libraries/config.default.php: RFE #1621437, HEX and UNHEX were not
      available for a BINARY field

2007-02-21 Marc Delisle  
    * pmd/scripts/move.js: bug #1650770, Designer and Mac OSX,
      thanks to Ivan Kirillov

2007-02-17 Marc Delisle  
    * Documentation.html: patch #1659347, missing doc for some config,
      thanks to Isaac Bennetch
    * libraries/export/sql.php: bug #1663336, undefined variable

2007-02-16 Marc Delisle  
    * libraries/common.lib.php, avoid generating big links
      after an upload into a BLOB

2007-02-14 Marc Delisle  
    * libraries/common.lib.php: white page after uploading a 700 Kio BLOB
    * add a warning on main page if mcrypt can't be loaded (bug 1658160)

2007-02-12 Sebastian Mendel 
    * libraries/database_interface.lib.php: bug #1616486 server_databases does
      not show all databases
    * libraries/ MySQL function and column names, reserved
      and forbidden words updated,
      bug #1657045 Spatial functions not supported
      bug #1657037 Missing column type "geometry"

2007-02-09 Marc Delisle  
    * main.php: some links should open a new page
    * Documentation.html, libraries/,
      libraries/config.default.php: $cfg['LeftLogoLinkWindow'] to decide
      in which window the logo-linked page will appear

2007-02-09 Michal Čihař  
    * lang/czech: Fix syntax error (sorry for that).

2007-02-08 Marc Delisle  
    * themes/darkblue_orange/img/logo_left.png,
      themes/original/img/logo_left.png: smaller PMA logo for navi

2007-02-08 Sebastian Mendel 
    * themes/*/css/theme_right.css.php: bug #1653769 browsing highlight disabling
      doesn't work

2007-02-06 Sebastian Mendel 
    * pmd_general.php, pmd_pdf.php, pmd_save_pos.php: fixed short open tags
      patch #1652886 thanks to Martin Thielecke - mthie
    * tbl_change.php: fixed escaping of field names in HTML and JavaScript
    * libraries/common.lib.php: PMA_backquote() did not quote 0
    * tbl_change.php: bug #1652810 - slashes are not escaped properly

2007-02-05 Marc Delisle  
    * lang/japanese: Update, thanks to Ishigaki Kenichi - tcool.

2007-02-05 Sebastian Mendel 
    * lang/german: updated

2007-02-03 Marc Delisle  
    * pmd/scripts/move.js: display problems in Opera, thanks to Maxim Bulygin

2007-02-02 Marc Delisle  
    * tbl_replace.php: Calendar icon does not work on "Insert another new row"

2007-02-01 Marc Delisle  
    * libraries/import.lib.php: bug #1626064, too much quoting on import

2007-02-01 Sebastian Mendel 
    * libraries/display_tbl.lib.php: bug #1644740 - $cfg['Order'] = 'SMART'
    * libraries/Theme.class.php: removed __wakeup() due to some requirements are
      not fulfilled at this point - also thanks to Jürgen Wind - windkiel

2007-01-31 Sebastian Mendel 
    * libraries/
      bug #1630871 - Detecting a missing write permission on sessions directory

2007-01-30 Sebastian Mendel 
    * libraries/sqlparser.lib.php PMA_SQP_analyze():
      bug #1647785 - do not pass variables by reference

2007-01-29 Marc Delisle  
    * lang/catalan update, thanks to Xavier Navarro (xavin)
    * pmd_general.php: possibility of quotes in Designer messages,
      thanks to Ivan Kirillov

2007-01-26 Michal Čihař  
    * libraries/common.lib.php, libraries/js_escape.lib.php,
      test/escape_js_string.php, test/core.lib.php: Move java script escaping
      to separate library, make it safer on  escaping and add
      testcase for it.
    * test/theme.php: Move to test package.

2007-01-22 Marc Delisle  
    * pmd/*: button for direct/angular links, thanks to Ivan Kirillov

2007-01-22 Michal Čihař  
    * lang/czech: Updated.

2007-01-21 Marc Delisle  
    * libraries/Table.class.php: on a MySQL 5.0.33 server with 4400 databases,
      one of which having 400 tables, it took more than 3 minutes just to
      see the database structure (some accesses to INFORMATION_SCHEMA are
      just too slow) so I changed PMA_Table::isView() to avoid calling

2007-01-20 Marc Delisle  
    * libraries/sqlparser.lib.php: bug #1638267, wrong reserved word
    * server_privileges.php: bug #1635377, superfluous backslash,
      thanks to Hanut

2007-01-19 Marc Delisle  
    * pmd*, lang/*: Designer now supports set/unset of the display field,
      thanks to Ivan Kirillov

2007-01-18 Michal Čihař  
    * lang/czech: Updated.
    * libraries/auth/cookie.auth.lib.php: Make server switching honour more
      server settings (patch #1630104).

2007-01-17 Marc Delisle  
    * lang/turkish: update, thanks to Burak Yavuz - bourock

2007-01-16 Marc Delisle  
    ### 2.9.2 released from QA_2_9

2007-01-12 Marc Delisle  
    * (many files): Designer, two features (snap to grid / display field)
      thanks to Ivan Kirillov
    * libraries/Theme_Manager.class.php: patch #1611684, force a change
      of a session variable to avoid phpmyadmin.css.php caching problems,
      thanks to Christian Schmidt

2007-01-11 Marc Delisle  
    * lang/estonian: Update, thanks to Marko Ellermaa - uhuu

2007-01-09 Michal Čihař  
    * index.php: Properly escape strings written in JS code.
    * libraries/Theme_Manager.class.php: Avoid trigger error here, parameter
      comes from user and it might lead to path disclossure.
    * libraries/common.lib.php:
        - Properly escape  in JS code.
        - Check db, table and sql_query params to be string.

2007-01-08 Marc Delisle  
    * libraries/ prevent attack on session name cookie

2007-01-05 Marc Delisle  
    * libraries/ bug #1538132, remove the setting of
      session.save_handler to 'files'
    * pmd_general.php: patch #1627831,
      English language improvements, thanks to Isaac Bennetch
    * pmd_general.php, pmd_relation_new.php, lang/*: abstract messages

2007-01-04 Marc Delisle  
    * pmd/scripts/move.js: avoid text selection when moving a table object
      under MSIE 6, thanks to Ivan Kirillov
    * libraries/ better icon for Designer, thanks to I.K.

2007-01-02 Marc Delisle  
    * Designer: various fixes and improvements (for example support
      for MSIE 6), thanks to Ivan Kirillov
    * pdf_pages.php: undefined $pdf_page_number when no auto layout
    * server_privileges.php: bug #1614087, deleting a user having a
      global GRANT privilege fails under MySQL 4.1.x

2007-01-02 Michal Čihař  
    * libraries/common.lib.php: Add 
to allow selecting whole SQL by tripple click (patch #1611591). * libraries/export/sql.php: DELIMITER should not be commented out (bug #1612870). --- Older ChangeLogs can be found on our project website --- # vim: et ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 # vim: ft=changelog fenc=utf-8 encoding=utf-8 # vim: fde=getline(v\:lnum-1)=~'^\\s*$'&&getline(v\:lnum)=~'\\S'?'>1'\:1&&v\:lnum>8&&getline(v\:lnum)!~'^#' # vim: fdn=1 fdm=expr